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      Technology leading,Credit standing first

      With excellent design team and excellent production equipment, we provide excellent products and value service for our customers.
      Welcome to Jiangsu Xuhai Opto-Electronic Technologies Co., Ltd.
      Tel : 0516-66680087-8088
      clicks:  2250        作者:未知
      •   On November 1, 2019, the 22nd China International Gas and heating technology and equipment exhibition, which lasted for three days (October 30, 2019 to November 1, 2019), was successfully concluded in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

          Xuzhou Xuhai Photoelectric invited to participate in the exhibition, We demonstrated the company's UV Gas Cell, Raman Detecter, Methane Remote Detection Assembly,  Laser Point Methane Sensor and other laser sensor products. improved the company's image,the product's popularity and market competitiveness, consolidated the existing cooperation relationship, explored a large number of potential customers, and laid a solid foundation for market development.

      Copyright patent 2009-2021, www.ichengzhou.cn, All rights reserved is strictly prohibited without permission.
      Contact: 0516-83159690 Fax: 0516-83551317 mailbox: Support@optoxuhai.com
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